Top Challenges With New Lease Accounting Standards - Nomos One

Top Challenges With New Lease Accounting Standards

Implementing new lease accounting standards, such as IFRS 16 (AASB 16), can present several challenges for organisations. The implementation process requires careful planning, comprehensive data management, potential system modifications, and ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance and accurate financial reporting.  

While companies should allocate sufficient resources and time to address any challenges effectively, the first step is to be aware of potential difficulties and be prepared. Below we discuss some of the top challenges faced during the implementation process and how to overcome them:

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Data collection and assessment

One of the primary challenges is gathering, organising and assessing lease data. This includes identifying all leases, lease terms, and financial information related to leases, such as lease payments, lease incentives, and renewal options. 

For companies with a large number of leases across different departments and locations, data collection and consolidation can be a complex task. That’swhy switching to cloud-based asset management software that centralises the necessary data, makes relevant information easily accessible and helps assess lease terms and conditions accurately is an excellent solution for more efficient data management. 

Lease classification 

Determining the appropriate lease classification is critical under IFRS 16. The standard introduces the concept of finance leases and operating leases, each with different accounting treatments. Finance leases are recognised on the balance sheet, while operating leases are not, and their misclassification can lead to incorrect financial reporting. Determining the appropriate classification can be challenging and requires a thorough understanding of the standard's criteria, including the assessment of the transfer of risks and rewards, the economic life of the leased asset, and the lease term.

Data accuracy and validation

Ensuring data accuracy is crucial for accounting for leases. Organisations must validate lease information to eliminate errors, inconsistencies, and omissions. This includes verifying lease terms, lease payments, lease modifications, and other relevant data points. Ensuring that all lease contracts and agreements are appropriately reviewed and analysed can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Contracts may need to be reevaluated, modified, or renegotiated to comply with the requirements of IFRS 16. The complexity of lease contracts and the need for interpretation can make this task challenging. It is beneficial for businesses to establish effective processes for reviewing and managing lease contracts to ensure compliance and accurate reporting.


Impact on financial statements and key metrics

IFRS 16 implementation can have a significant impact on financial statements and key performance metrics. The recognition of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets on the balance sheet can affect financial ratios, such as leverage ratios and return on assets. Companies may need to communicate these changes to stakeholders and investors and ensure that they understand the implications of the lease accounting standard.

Organisational change and stakeholder communication

Implementing lease accounting standards often require significant organisational change. It involves coordination and collaboration among various departments, such as finance, accounting, legal, and operations. Additionally, effective communication with stakeholders, such as investors, analysts, and auditors, is crucial to ensure they understand the impact of the new standards on financial statements.

System and process changes

Implementing IFRS 16 often necessitates changes to existing financial systems, processes and controls. First, companies need to assess their current systems and infrastructure and ensure they can effectively handle lease accounting under the new standard. Next, they should establish new procedures for lease data capture, calculation of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets, and ongoing lease management. This may involve integrating IFRS 16 software that can assist in handling complex calculations, automating lease data inputs, and generating accurate financial reports. Finally, organisations need to train employees on new systems and align processes across departments.

Training and education

IFRS 16 introduces significant changes in lease accounting practices, which may require extensive training and education for accounting and finance teams. Employees need to understand the new standard, its impact on financial statements, and how to accurately apply the revised accounting treatment. Training programs and resources should be provided to ensure consistent and correct implementation across the organisation.



Ongoing lease management

After the initial implementation, organisations must establish robust lease management processes to ensure ongoing compliance with IFRS 16. The lease accounting standard requires continuous monitoring and reassessment of lease contracts throughout their term. Lease modifications, reassessment of lease terms, updating discount rates and accounting treatment for lease renewals and terminations may need to be evaluated regularly. Companies need robust lease management processes and systems to maintain accurate lease records as failure to manage leases effectively can lead to financial reporting errors and non-compliance.

Addressing and overcoming these challenges requires a well-planned and comprehensive implementation strategy. This involves cross-functional collaboration, effective project management, and appropriate allocation of resources. Seeking external expertise and leveraging lease accounting software solutions can help companies navigate the complexities and streamline the implementation process. 


Nomos One is the most effective lease accounting and lease management software that can facilitate the successful implementation of lease accounting standards such as IFRS 16.  

Our dedicated onboarding team is there to help with reviewing your lease portfolios, setting up your accounts, uploading documentation, and even training your staff.  

Let our team of experts take the hassle out of lease management and lease accounting, leaving your team to focus on critical business tasks!

Discover the benefits of using Nomos One