Excel vs Lease Management and Lease Accounting Software - Nomos One

Excel vs lease management and lease accounting software

We’ve all experienced the brilliance of Excel for forecasting, budgets, preparing journals and accruals, financial modelling and more.

What Excel can do is incredible if you know how to use it. Almost every organisation has a resident Excel wizard who can dazzle you with its capabilities. Excel, in the hands of an Excel master, can do just about anything.

But for leasing portfolios greater than ten leases, what about Excel vs lease management and accounting software? Can it handle IFRS 16 reporting and everything that comes with it?

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This paper covers:

  • What Nomos One users tell us about IFRS 16 implementation
  • A comparison of what Excel vs good lease management and lease accounting software can offer
  • 10 Excel pitfalls when it comes to IFRS 16 implementation and ongoing reporting requirements
  • 10 benefits of using Nomos One’s lease management and lease accounting software
Is this resource free?

Yes. Nomos One employs a team of experts who live and breathe IFRS 16. We want to share our knowledge with you so your implementation project and ongoing reporting requirements are as efficient, accurate and simple as possible.

Discover the benefits of using Nomos One